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Look 4 Less YouTube Challenge July 2020

Writer: brokegirlaestheticbrokegirlaesthetic

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

(I've been given the opportunity to join the Amazon Affiliates Program. What that means is if you shop from links I post, that I can make a few extra pennies at no cost to you! You will see my affiliate links marked with an * asterisk) If you don't know what a look for less is, it's a DIY where you try to duplicate another object and by saving money in the process. So when I saw that I saw that Yami from The Latina Next Door and Lianep at DIY Beauty on Purpose had posted a Look for Less Challenge, I was pumped, as I had already began preparations to do a dupe video.

For this video, I'm recreating pieces from one of my all time favorite brands, Tiffany&Co. Here are the items I'm going to try to dupe:

As you can see, if I wanted to purchase those items (and I would LOVE to!) I'd be spending $975 on those 3 things. Now, I want to see how close I can get to recreating them myself. All of the items I'm using are from the thrift shop or my own stuff. Let's start with the rectangle tray. If you saw my very first thrift haul video, you've seen this piece.

So we'll use that for the first dupe. The second one is a little trickier. I thought to myself, "Self, maybe you can make the cake stand with a plate and a glass."

Turns out, Self is pretty smart. I went thrifting specifically to find the right components. I found a glass and plate, but I liked my Glade candle better for the base. (I forgot to add it to the pic!)

The third just sort of happened. I was at the thrift shop and saw a set of salt/pepper shakers, and I really wanted to get a pepper grinder (my old one broke) so I grabbed these. But upon further inspection, I noticed the shape is similar to the Tiffany silver set, so I thought I could maybe do an inspired piece as well with those.

Ready? Let's jump into it! For the tray, it's simple enough. Spray paint (I used Rustoleum 2x Ultra Cover*) the whole thing white, then take some painters tape and secure where I want to paint my color block. I'm hand painting this part, as my paint is acrylic in a tube.

That's the end of that one, super easy and fast! The paint dries way darker than it it looks in the tube, so I'm pretty disappointed with that.

Next is the cake stand. Taking E6000 and hot glue, I secured the candle glass to the plate. (They've already been painted) As with the tray, I taped where I'll be hand painting. I lined it up with the tray to get the same width.

Here's that piece finished.

Last are the salt and pepper shakers. I sanded them to make sure my spray would stick. I used Rustoleum Specialty Metallic in Silver*

Not much I can say about these other than I should have maybe used silver foil or looking glass spray paint, as they are no where near the inspiration set. But they still look pretty cool!

And I also want to add that I sealed all the items with Miracal Spray Enamel, available at Dollar General for like 3 bucks.

And here they are all done and staged.

So I think the tray and cake stand passed ok, what do you think? Did I achieve the Look 4 Less? Let me know!



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