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Welcome to Broke Girl Aesthetic!

Writer: brokegirlaestheticbrokegirlaesthetic

Updated: Jun 19, 2020

Just what is Broke Girl Aesthetic©? Well, broke girl, that's pretty self explanatory, right? And aesthetic...



adjective: aesthetic;

concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. "the pictures give great aesthetic pleasure"

noun: aesthetic; plural noun: aesthetics;

a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement. "the Cubist aesthetic"

So the idea was to create a presence online to celebrate the fact that while yes, I am a broke girl, I can and do find ways to appreciate and make things pleasing to my eye, and not have a lick of cash to do it with. I also love photography and making stuff, so this will be a blending of my hobbies! Let me introduce myself, I'm Tiffany, a 43 year old SAHM (of my youngest of 4 daughters), and I homeschool. (Have been for years, not just recently.) I occasionally do get some online work, but otherwise the spouse is the one with the paycheck, he works for the county. I also have been a long time sufferer of arthritis and fibromyalgia, so it may take some time for me to get projects done. Though lately, since I've been following the keto lifestyle, my symptoms are manageable, and sometimes I have nearly pain-free days, so I take advantage of that!

Since we are at home, and we've been done with school since the beginning of May, it was high time to get some stuff done around here! A little bit more background. We moved from Ohio to Texas in 2010, and got into this small....craftsman style house for lack of better term. It's walls and a roof and it does the job. It was also the cheapest rent in town (which is crazy since hardly any of the rentals here are worth what they think) It has some issues, it wasn't really a pro job to begin with, so literally NOTHING in this house is level. The walls bow, the ceiling dips, it's a total fixer upper. But it was a steal when we needed it.

Fast forward to 2018 and our landlord sold it to us for peanuts. Honestly, it would have been the stupidest move ever top say no, since now we can renovate as we wish. And here comes the broke part again. Not that we are barely scraping by, but 10k for a reno isn't really in the cards just yet. However, I'm not above spending some pennies to "polish the turd" as it were

The boost came on Mother's Day of this year. I had purchased some GORGEOUS peel and stick vinyl planks at the Family Dollar to do the bathroom floor. Lo and behold, the spouse decided to go ahead and put it down for me! It's grey oak and I just ADORE this color!

What's next for the page

Up next, I'll give a short little tour of what the bathroom looks like presently, after the floor was done and I got motivated to style it. Since the whole point of this is DIY on an extreme budget, I'm not spending more than a few dollars to get/do any of these updates. Most items I already had or repurposed from it's original use.

One of the things a lot of the YouTubers I watch talk about is shopping your home, and I've got a ton of crap! I am working on paring down a lot of this stuff, I don't need 24 forks, or shoes I probably will never wear. There's a lot I can donate or recycle. Do you have any good ideas for recycle crafts you've been wanting to try? Let me know! Happy DIYing 😁


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